Markets we Serve

Since 1970, CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) has performed thousands of studies for over 600 clients across four primary markets around the world. With over 54 years of experience and expertise, CSA understands how to best focus personnel, scientific and operational capabilities within its market sectors to safely provide the best service possible to our clients. Our markets include:



CSA provides marine environmental consulting services associated with the sustainable exploration, production, and research of energy resources. Most CSA energy projects involve identifying and minimizing potential environmental impacts to assist corporations and government agencies in meeting engineering and logistical constraints of energy development and distribution.


Through project management, logistics, and scientific expertise, CSA has been an integral partner in supporting a variety of infrastructure projects such as submarine cable systems, and pipelines, liquid natural gas (LNG) and oil & gas terminals, renewable energy (wind, tidal, hydroelectric), construction of artificial reefs and habitats, and marine mining.


Ports & Coastal Sciences

Ports and Coastal Sciences encompass a significant segment of the marine coastal environment worldwide. CSA provides marine science and mitigation services associated with beach restoration, harbor and channel dredging, borrow and disposal areas, and coastal development to ensure continuing function and value.


Working with governments and agencies from a local to international level, CSA provides services that promote and streamline the regulatory process in order to support marine and coastal projects across the world.


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Corporate Headquarters

8502 SW Kansas Ave.
Stuart, FL 34997