Collecting and processing water samples and conducting water column profile measurements in marine and coastal environments are core CSA capabilities. Since 1970, we have conducted hundreds of surveys in numerous countries that have included water column profiling and water sample collection.

Our scientific and technical staff has extensive experience designing multi-disciplinary environmental survey plans with industry-standard methodologies that expedite regulatory approval for our clients. We offer our customers comprehensive survey planning and management, survey implementation, Geographic Information System (GIS), and scientific reporting.
Typical types of projects and activities supported by our water collection and water column measurements services include the following:
- Offshore oil & gas environmental baseline surveys (EBS) and monitoring;
- Compliance monitoring;
- Environmental impact studies (EISs);
- Beach renourishment;
- Ocean disposal of dredged material; and
- Habitat evaluations.
Collection & Profiling Experience
From 2010 to 2011, CSA was involved in one of the largest water collection and water quality sampling efforts to date. Our scientists and technicians conducted over 200 inshore and offshore surveys during which water samples were collected and water quality measurements were acquired. CSA personnel were responsible for monitoring the collection of thousands of water samples as well as the creation of over 1000 water column profiles. Our shore-based staff was also directly responsible for the mobilization of a fleet of over 18 ships that consisted predominantly of offshore supply vessels. This effort included the setup of large winches and articulating A-Frames. CSA also provided the technical expertise necessary to assemble rosettes and integrate the various water quality probes, which included the following:
- Conductivity/temperature/depth;
- Dissolved oxygen;
- CDOM (colored dissolved organic matter);
- Fluorometers (parameters were used to identify the presence and amount of specific molecules in the water);
- Turbidity (measurement of water clarity in association with material suspended in the water); and
- Chlorophyll.
Water samples and water column measurements were collected from vessels ranging in size from small coastal boats to large remotely operated vehicle (ROV) support vessels. Rosettes and real-time CTD combinations were deployed from A-frames and ROVs on larger ships while smaller vessels utilized davits. Water samples and water column profiles were collected at various depths and ranged from deep water to just a few meters along the coast line.