CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) was contracted to prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and conduct an environmental baseline survey pursuant to the requirements of the Draft Terms of Reference (TOR) for proposed operations on Block 2(c) offshore the northeastern coast of Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. The EIA was prepared for submittal to the Environmental Management Authority to characterize the proposed gas project, summarize environmental and socioeconomic resources, and assess the impacts of the proposed activities on those resources.
The objectives of the EIA were to 1) determine the extent of environmental, social, and health impacts arising from the proposed Angostura Gas Project on the study area; 2) examine cumulative impacts from ongoing and other proposed exploration and development programs; and 3) recommend mitigation measures and management solutions to enhance positive effects and mitigate adverse effects of the proposed activities.
The EIA characterized the physical, chemical, and biological resources of the block and addressed impacts resulting from proposed drilling operations at one wellsite and installation activities along flowline/pipeline corridors between existing platforms and shore. Resources considered included air quality, geology, water and sediment quality, marine life, socio‑cultural conditions, public health and safety, noise, visual conditions, marine traffic, and infrastructure and services. Cumulative impacts were also addressed. The EIA contained sections concerning mitigation management and monitoring plans. Appendices included the TOR and BHP’s health, safety, security, and environment protocols. Site‑specific survey data acquired during the wet season, including water column and sediment infauna and physical and chemical data, also were integrated into the EIA.