CSA Celebrates STOW Certification in Trinidad and Tobago
CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. (CSA) has achieved a significant certification in Trinidad and Tobago, the Safe To Work (STOW) certification program for Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) management systems.
CSA conducted its first project in Trinidad in 1977, and since 1993 has provided marine environmental services and conducted impact assessments for the oil and gas industry in Trinidad and Tobago. CSA first established a branch office in Trinidad in 2008. In 2017, CSA Ocean Sciences (Trinidad) Ltd. (CSAOSTL), a wholly-owned local subsidiary of CSA, was formed and a Health, Safety, and Environmental Management System (HSEMS) was subsequently developed to be consistent with STOW requirements established by the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 45001:2018. This HSEMS is used to assist local management and employees in controlling health and safety risks, thereby protecting all employees, stakeholders, and the environment.
CSA and its Trinidad subsidiary have substantial experience with environmental requirements of offshore oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities. Services include environmental and social impact assessment, environmental baseline studies, metocean and geophysical surveys, and long-term monitoring programs. CSAOSTL is also active in environmental preparedness and response activities, providing specialized training for Protected Species Observers, environmental data management, and field staff.
According to STOW’s website, High-Risk operations are defined as those which operator companies consider having a significant risk of significant injury, damage to equipment or the environment, where the potential frequency of occurrence and type of harm that may occur makes the risk realization unacceptable.
CSAOSTL’s HSEMS was assessed and certified by the STOW implementation board and found to be compliant with the requirements associated with the High-Risk operations for onshore and offshore activities. Becoming STOW certified adds CSAOSTL to a list of approximately 350 certified companies that provide services to the local energy sector, and underscores CSA’s ongoing commitment to providing a safe work environment for employees. The commitment to STOW standards enables CSA to be eligible for additional opportunities to support offshore oil and gas operators in the Caribbean region.
CSA completed a recent wet season environmental baseline survey in 2,000 m water depth in the Caribbean with zero health and safety-related incidents. This survey included the deployment of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) mooring systems to assess oceanographic conditions, collection of water and sediment samples, hydrographic profiling, and plankton sampling. As CSA continues to perform services in complex environments, our commitment to safety remains of principal importance to our staff, management, and clients.
Corporate Headquarters
8502 SW Kansas Ave.
Stuart, FL 34997
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