CSA Ciências Oceânicas Ltda. Hosts the Blue Industries and Deep Sea Conservation Round Table During Norway Brazil Week 2018
During “Norway Brazil Week 2018” in Rio de Janeiro (https://norwaybrazilweek.com.br/), a Round Table event was held to emphasize and strengthen the successful cooperation between Brazil and Norway, particularly with respect to innovation in offshore and deep sea environmental characterization, monitoring, and conservation.
This event recognizes the opportunity for the two countries to share knowledge and collaborate to improve mapping, monitoring, data collection, and impact assessment in the marine environment.
Ms. Patricia Cota (Permitting Specialist) and Mr. Jim Chamness (Business Development Director) from CSA Ciencias Oceanicas Ltda. (CSA’s Rio de Janeiro office) both supported the event and delivered technical presentations during the Round Table.
Mr. Chamness presented an overview of CSA’s custom web-based Environmental Data and Geospatial Services (EDGS) platform. The application, known as EDGS, provides a platform for data management and visualization in a secure, accessible, online environment. It is a particularly useful tool for oil and gas and infrastructure projects in which the challenges of collecting, managing, and integrating a variety of data are met through collaboration and accessibility over a range of spatial and temporal scales.
Mr. Chamness presented examples to illustrate the utility of EDGS as a platform for displaying static and dynamic environmental data for resource coordination, and as an environmental common operating picture during oil spill response. In the spill response scenario, multiple stakeholders are able to track the progression of the incident, visualize sampling plans, review field data, plan for the next operational period, and monitor the location of field teams and assets. Baseline data such as shoreline sensitivity maps are integrated with real-time feeds such as surface oil observations support operational decision-making.
CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. brings nearly five decades of experience in marine environmental consulting, preparing environmental assessments worldwide through offices in the United States, the Eastern Mediterranean, Qatar, Trinidad, Brazil, and Australia. CSA’s expertise in coastal, marine, and deep ocean surveys is built on the integration of science, operations, and an understanding of environmental data collection, management, and analysis within geospatial domains. For more information on CSA’s range of marine environmental consulting services, please call us at 772-219-3000 or send us a message.
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