CSA Exhibits at the 2017 Esri Public Sector Conference
Earlier this month, we had the pleasure of exhibiting at an Esri event right in our back yard, the Esri Public Sector Conference, formerly the Southeast User Conference, at the Palm Beach County Convention Center. It was a great event for CSA Ocean Sciences because it offered the opportunity to interact with our Esri colleagues, display and demonstrate our capabilities in coastal and aerial image collection and analysis, attend informative presentations, interact with local and regional public agencies and businesses, and take advantage of Esri’s training opportunities.
Four CSA Geographic Information Systems(GIS) analysts from our Environmental Data and Geospatial Services (EDGS) team were able to participate, as well as our EDGS manager (Dr. Jodi Harney) and our Chief Operating Officer (Mr. Robert Mulcahy), pictured above. At the event, we reconnected with many of our Florida associates and met new people from around the southeastern U.S., all of whom have Esri and GIS in common—whether they are firefighters, engineers, or software developers.
One of the most exciting aspects of the conference was exhibiting our web-based mapping portal, EDGS, for environmental data visualization, which includes a new tool to display video imagery over a spatial framework. Imagine having secure, web-based access to a library of project videos that can be played over basemap and data layers—visually, it’s like flying over a field of pipelines, sea turtle nesting sites, or an oil spill while knowing exactly where you are on the map.
Working with Esri’s Full Motion Video add-in and a thorough understanding of Motion Industry Standards Board (MISB) metadata, CSA’s EDGS team is a leader in this exciting capability that really brings project data and imagery to life.
Our latest project involves processing MISB-compliant underwater video collected by our divers in nearshore areas in Broward County and displaying this video in the online mapping portal over layers of bathymetry, seafloor habitats, and other data input.
For more on FMV and how we use it to manage, view, analyze, and deliver video, contact us at 772-219-3000 or send us a message.
Corporate Headquarters
8502 SW Kansas Ave.
Stuart, FL 34997
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